
    EUR/USD and GBP/USD Latest – Updated Sentiment Analysis

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    EUR/USD and GBP/USD Newest – Up to date Sentiment Evaluation

    • Bullish Outlook for EUR/USD
    • Bullish Outlook for GBP/USD

    Really helpful by Nick Cawley

    Constructing Confidence in Buying and selling

    EUR/USD Sentiment Evaluation

    Present sentiment:

    • 25.61% of merchants are net-long
    • The ratio of quick to lengthy merchants is 2.90 to 1

    Adjustments in dealer positions:

    • Internet-long merchants: 8.49% lower since yesterday, 27.19% lower from final week
    • Internet-short merchants: 9.83% improve since yesterday, 17.79% improve from final week

    Evaluation strategy:

    • The evaluation takes a contrarian view to crowd sentiment
    • The truth that merchants are net-short suggests EUR/USD costs could proceed to rise


    • Merchants are extra net-short in comparison with yesterday and final week
    • The mix of present sentiment and up to date adjustments signifies a stronger EUR/USD-bullish contrarian buying and selling bias

    This evaluation means that regardless of most merchants taking quick positions on EUR/USD, the contrarian strategy signifies that the EUR/USD worth would possibly improve. The rising variety of quick positions over the previous day and week strengthens this bullish outlook for EUR/USD.

    GBP/USD Sentiment Evaluation

    Present sentiment:

    • 34.22% of merchants are net-long
    • The ratio of quick to lengthy merchants is 1.92 to 1

    Adjustments in dealer positions:

    • Internet-long merchants: 6.33% lower since yesterday, 32.24% lower from final week
    • Internet-short merchants: 8.18% improve since yesterday, 35.65% improve from final week

    Evaluation strategy:

    • The evaluation takes a contrarian view to crowd sentiment
    • The truth that merchants are net-short suggests GBP/USD costs could proceed to rise


    • Merchants are extra net-short in comparison with yesterday and final week
    • The mix of present sentiment and up to date adjustments signifies a stronger GBP/USD-bullish contrarian buying and selling bias

    This evaluation means that regardless of most merchants taking quick positions on GBP/USD, the contrarian strategy signifies that the GBP/USD worth would possibly improve. The rising variety of quick positions and lowering variety of lengthy positions over the previous day and week strengthens this bullish outlook for GBP/USD.

    A graph of a graph showing the price of a stock market  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Really helpful by Nick Cawley

    Traits of Profitable Merchants



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